Peterborough Players presents:

A Comedy by David Davalos

August 30-September 10

University of Wittenberg, October 1517. Hamlet, his mentor John Faustus, and Faustus’ colleague and Hamlet’s instructor and priest, Martin Luther, all collide in a brilliant theatrical construction by playwright David Davalos. A smart, sprightly, and audacious battle of wits, the play brings us the story behind the stories in a highly entertaining and accessible exploration of reason versus faith.

“Bursts with a Stoppardian eagerness to tickle as it tangles with weightier issues…
​Hilarity, thy name is WITTENBERG." —New York Times.

Jeremy Beck (Hamlet)
Chris Mixon
Tom Frey
Sara Kennedy

Directed by Keith Stevens

Peterborough Players

Peterborough, NH