Peterborough Players presents:
A Comedy by David Davalos
August 30-September 10
University of Wittenberg, October 1517. Hamlet, his mentor John Faustus, and Faustus’ colleague and Hamlet’s instructor and priest, Martin Luther, all collide in a brilliant theatrical construction by playwright David Davalos. A smart, sprightly, and audacious battle of wits, the play brings us the story behind the stories in a highly entertaining and accessible exploration of reason versus faith.
“Bursts with a Stoppardian eagerness to tickle as it tangles with weightier issues…
Hilarity, thy name is WITTENBERG." —New York Times.
Jeremy Beck (Hamlet)
Chris Mixon
Tom Frey
Sara Kennedy
Directed by Keith Stevens
Peterborough Players
Peterborough, NH
A Comedy by David Davalos
August 30-September 10
University of Wittenberg, October 1517. Hamlet, his mentor John Faustus, and Faustus’ colleague and Hamlet’s instructor and priest, Martin Luther, all collide in a brilliant theatrical construction by playwright David Davalos. A smart, sprightly, and audacious battle of wits, the play brings us the story behind the stories in a highly entertaining and accessible exploration of reason versus faith.
“Bursts with a Stoppardian eagerness to tickle as it tangles with weightier issues…
Hilarity, thy name is WITTENBERG." —New York Times.
Jeremy Beck (Hamlet)
Chris Mixon
Tom Frey
Sara Kennedy
Directed by Keith Stevens
Peterborough Players
Peterborough, NH